news, gossip and scenes

Music Fest Rolls In Saturday

In bicycles, Community, Scenes, Up Coming Events on June 16, 2009 at 9:11 pm

The third annual Bicycle Music Festival will take to the the road this Saturday, June 20. This is a traveling, bike powered, all day affair.  They are due at Golden Gate Park’s, Sharon Meadows at 10 am., and are scheduled to be at Dolores Park by 3 pm. Check the
Bicycle Festival’s site
for complete schedule.

A tip of the hat, to Allen of MissionMission for the info.

On the Road Again

On the Road Again

Note that the Bicycle Festival does not have any park permits. but how loud are they going to get with bike powered amps?

  1. There’s movie night that night — which does have permits. I hope somebody shows up and boots the bikes. It’s not cool to plan a huge event without paying attention to, you know, the rest of the world.

  2. Look at this, taken from their website:
    2:45pm Dolores Park
    2:45 – 3:15pm: TBA marching band
    3:25 – 4:10pm: Manicato
    4:25 – 5:10pm: Sean Hayes
    5:25 – 6:10pm: La Colectiva
    6:25 – 7:10pm: Oona Garthwaite
    7:10 – 7:40pm: TBA marching band

    A planned schedule of events! I’m sorry, I like the park being used and bikes and music are great, but seriously? This is a huge, well publicized event and they can’t even find their way to getting a permit?

  3. Park and Rec would require them to rent toilets. Oh look, Movie Night SF has all ready ordered plenty of portable toilets. Score!

  4. Getting serious now, we totally agree with ooeygooey. Event planners using Dolores Park should go through the Rec and Park’s permit process. The department is trying to keep the park from becoming overcrowded and the neighborhood swamped with loud events. The Park Rangers were tasked with busting un-permitted groups (I think there are no more then six of them). And Bicycle Music Festival has a web site, they are not exactly Critical Mass.

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