news, gossip and scenes

Latin LGBT Pride en el Parque Dolores

In Community, Dolores Park, LGBT, Mission Dolores, Up Coming Events on September 20, 2009 at 11:23 am

In its fifth year, the local latin LGBT community is pulling together to produce a day in the park with food, music, dance and entertainment. Ramon aka, Mama Dora, says he has been a volunteer organizer with , since the beginning. “This is an all community event,” Ramon, told us, ” we have no big outside corporate sponsors.” IMG_0579

Ramon said this is an important event for the local community and that Rec and Park had doubled it’s fee since last year, but the participating non-profits and food booths had been able to pay. He is expecting a crowd of 300 to 500.


The show began today at 11 am and goes to 5.IMG_0589

  1. So far no crowd but at least there is some really loud, pounding disco beats that nobody cares about except the dj…even the painters across the street are annoyed. Somebody got a permit and a right to annoy…

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